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Your visitor's guide in Brazil

Activities in Brazil


   Jardim Botanical Garden in Rio de Janeiro 

   Of all of Rio's green city parks, this is perhaps the best and most elegant. Created by Dom Jo VI to cultivate the spices Portugal used to import from  the East Indies, it is now a favorite relaxation spot. The charming mix of gardens, sculptures, ponds, fountains, tropical forest and "imperial palm boulevards"  includes more than 6,000 international plant species spread over 338 acres.

   Every season, nature provides a show that shouldn't be missed. There is a museum,  a gift shop and a public library. 

   In the nearly 2 centuries since Emperor Dom Joao VI founded the original, the botanical garden has grown to 348 acres and added 6,000 species of tropical  plants and trees to its collection. It's now one of the few places near Rio to see standing Brazilwood (Pau Brazil) and other species from the Atlantic rainforest. Many trees and shrubs are labeled with common and Latin names,  but there's not much in the way of explanation (be sure to ask the cashier for a map). Instead, do what most people do, and just enjoy the peace and beauty of a meander along the many little paths, garden trails, and greenhouses.

   The bromeliad and orchid greenhouses are especially nice. Your personal favorite may be a greenhouse full of tropical carnivores - pitcher plants  and Venus flytraps.

   Admission R$4 (USd$1.30) adults, free for children 7 and under.




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