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Your visitor's guide in Australia

Activities in Australia

Helicopter, Training Introductory Flight in Brisbane , Australia

You are in Australia ! So experience the thrill of flying a hellicopter yourself with a Training Introductory Flight. Helicopters are without a doubt, one of the most versatile and vital air transport vehicles in the world; with an ability to access remote areas and deliver huge payloads. Now it’s your turn to fly one of these impressive machines – hellicopter!

Your training flight will take place in a Robinson R22 hellicopter. The R22 hellicopter is the most widely used piston engine hellicopter in Australia and generally regarded as the best training hellicopter in the world.

Upon arrival at the heliport, you will be introduced to your pilot - instructor and the Robinson R22 dual control helicopter. Your session will begin with a briefing about what makes a helicopter fly, what the various controls do and what you must do whilst flying the helicopter. Of course, all the safety issues will be discussed here as well. Then you’re off on a 40-minute training introductory flight.

Your instructor will fire up the engine and get the rotor blades churning for lift-off. Within the first 5 minutes you will be trying your hand at the controls. One by one, more controls will be introduced to you until, toward the end of the flight, you could have full control of the hellicopter. Fly about the Coolangatta training area under your pilot’s guidance and taste the life of a helicopter pilot. Test your skills – maintaining a steady flight path, changing direction and hover control.

This flight is one of the greatest thrills that you can imagine and you will come back hardly believing that YOU have just flown a hellicopter on your own (with the pilot - instructor sitting beside you of course). Just imagine: you are a pilot of hellicopter!




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