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 in Japan:

Sofitel Tokyo
The Westin Tokyo
Akasaka Prince Hotel
Capitol Tokyu Hotel
Dai-ichi Hotel

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Your visitor's guide in Japan

Activities in Japan

   Nikko - World Heritage - 1 Day Excursion 

   Nikko is a small city at the entrance to Nikko National Park. It is most  famous for the Toshogu, Japan's most lavishly decorated shrine complex  and mausoleum of Tokugawa Ieyasu, the founder of the Tokugawa shogunate.

   Nikko has been a center of Shinto & Buddhist mountain worship for centuries.  It offers scenic, mountainous landscapes, lakes, waterfalls, hot springs, wild monkeys & hiking trails.

   Nikko & the area around Lake Chuzenji, are well known for their beautiful autumn foliage (koyo). The best times to view the leaves depends on the  elevation and year. For Lake Chuzenji it is usually mid October, and for central Nikko early to mid November.

   The tour highlight is the world famous Toshogu Shrine, the mausoleum of the first Tokugawa Shogun. It's a gorgeous complex of colorful structures featuring  the superb craftsmanship of Japan's 17th-century artisans. 


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